
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why, Why, Why?

Why oh why do we endure camping with the kids? Over excited late nights, moaning, whinging children, raisins trodden into the groundsheet, the beds just one big bouncy castle. Staying on suicide watch near guy ropes and rickety camping stoves with water boiling? Toilet trips into the night, it just goes on, and don't start me on the screams at the sight of a wasp or worse... earwig.

Why, because they simply love it and if you can endure all the above they change and grow in every way in front of your very eyes. Millie asked to help wash up, Lucy cried because she missed out helping. Millie borrowed a tent peg and the mallet to "practice banging so she could help put up the tent when she grows up" And Jessica Helped me put away all the pots and pans. My children asking to help us out, the downside is that I nearly died of a heart attack!

That's why we go camping with our kids, and I cant recommend it enough!

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